To efficiently use the Cuttings Calculator, fill in the indicated fields with your real information, in the "space length" tab, enter the total length of the space you want to measure, for example: Suppose your space is 8 meters, then enter the number 8. In the "Piece size" tab, enter the measurement of the floor in that direction that you are calculating without using a comma, for example: suppose your floor is 1.20x0.60 and you are calculating in the direction of 1.20, then type 120, if it was towards 0.60 then just type 60.In the "Joint Size" tab, enter the spacer joint you are going to use, for example: it can be a 1mm, 1.5mm or 2mm joint.And thats it, the calculator will tell you how many pieces in this line you will spend and what will be the exact size of the Cut at the end of this space.